Grace: It's Our Way of Life

As Episcopal Christians we
Worship at home daily and together weekly;
Study the Scriptures, our tradition, and what it means to be a disciple today;
Serve our families, our parish, and our world in the name of Christ.

Everything we do is done with an ethic of Welcome
because we are only here by Grace.

20 April 2014

Sermon, Easter Vigil, 19 April 2014 - Baptism and Resurrection, What Was and What Is, Being Made New


The Easter Vigil is the primary service of celebration in the Eastern Orthodox tradition, and it is becoming a favorite here at Grace, especially when we bring two new Christians into the Resurrection through Holy Baptism!  Welcome to Eloise and Emily. The service begins with the telling of salvation history and the service of Baptism, followed by the Word and Table of Eucharist.  The sermon is following the text of John's Gospel and continuuing the themes of Lent and Holy Week, especially linking to Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

Christ is Risen!

At The Liturgy of the Word

At least two of the following Lessons are read, of which one is always the Lesson from Exodus. After each Lesson, a period of silence may be kept; and a suitable Collect, such as those on pages 288-291 of the Prayer Book, may be said.
Genesis 1:1-2:4a [The Story of Creation]
Genesis 7:1-5, 11-18, 8:6-18, 9:8-13 [The Flood]
Genesis 22:1-18 [Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac]
Exodus 14:10-31; 15:20-21 [Israel's deliverance at the Red Sea]
Isaiah 55:1-11 [Salvation offered freely to all]
Ezekiel 36:24-28 [A new heart and a new spirit]
Ezekiel 37:1-14 [The valley of dry bones]
Zephaniah 3:14-20 [The gathering of God's people]

At The Eucharist

Romans 6:3-11
Psalm 114

John 20:1-18

The Collect
Almighty God, who for our redemption gave your only- begotten Son to the death of the cross, and by his glorious resurrection delivered us from the power of our enemy: Grant us so to die daily to sin, that we may evermore live with him in the joy of his resurrection; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. or this O God, who made this most holy night to shine with the glory of the Lord's resurrection: Stir up in your Church that Spirit of adoption which is given to us in Baptism, that we, being renewed both in body and mind, may worship you in sincerity and truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.