Isaiah 25:6-9
Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
Acts 10:34-43
John 20:1-18
Easter Sunday Sermon in which the Very Rev. Daniel P. Richards draws together the threads of the Gospel of John into the fabric of the reading of the appearance to Mary Magdalene. "Heaven and earth are joined." The creation made new. Biblical view of Heaven, the throne room of God from which the world is run. Our Lord now is ascended to there and so is everywhere available here. The seam that we find feeling along the table reveals that the way things are is no longer the way things are. Death is undone, and Life is alive. Everything is made new on the cross, and we now live in a new reality.
I have found N. T. Wright's works, especially Simply Jesus and Surprised by Hope incredibly helpful in tying together the work of Christ on the cross with the Resurrection, Creation, and the Prophets and . . . you'll see.