"Orthodoxy is an exhilarating truth that makes us happy! “To speak of orthodoxy as a truth that makes us happy is not always the first phrase that might come to mind because we have, sadly, come to think of orthodox belief as a set of obligations to sign up to, rather than a landscape to inhabit with constant amazement and delight of the discovery opened up.”
— Rowan Williams, “To What End Are We Made,” an unpublished address, April 7, 2005
God as the Dreamer of the Dream of Creation, both reality and hope, and that hope is demanding in law and in grace, because it is just and difficult. Jesus as the One who makes Hope real, and the Spirit as the Advocate, god-parent and adviser, counselor and teacher. An exploration of the Trinity with the people of Grace, focusing on the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding us into the with-God life.
Isaiah 6:1-8
Psalm 29 or Canticle 2 or 13
Romans 8:12-17
John 3:1-17